
September 13th, 2005 by 站长









September 13th, 2005 by 站长








Checks on school buildings to ensure all wooden structures are safe, says Hon

September 13th, 2005 by 站长

ALOR STAR: The Education Ministry has directed the management of schools with wooden buildings to consult their local authorities and state education departments at once.

Deputy Minister Datuk Hon Choon Kim said these buildings must be inspected to ensure that they were safe.

Chan:Supposed to have celebrated his 43rd birthday Monday.
“The headmaster and district education officer must inspect such schools and inform the state education department if they find any building to be unsafe,” he said, adding that the affected schools could apply for an allocation for repair work.

Hon said this after visiting SJK (C) Keat Hwa in Jalan Kampung Perak here, where teacher Chan Boon Heng fell to his death when a decayed plywood floor gave way on Sunday.

He also advised school managements not to conduct renovation or extension work without approval from the local authorities.

Hon, who announced a RM50,000 ministry allocation for the school to undertake remedial work, also handed over MCA president Datuk Seri Ong Ka Ting’s RM5,000 personal donation to Chan’s family.

Chan was to have celebrated his 43rd birthday yesterday.

BIRTHDAY OFFERING: Ooi comforting her children as they stare at their late father’s birthday cake at their house in Alor Star.
The birthday cake that his family had bought for him was instead turned into an offering for his soul, by his wife Ooi Lee Keng, 40, and children Huan Xun, eight, and Huan Wei, four, at their home in Taman Derga Jaya.

In Kuala Lumpur, Works Minister Datuk Seri S. Samy Vellu said the Kedah Public Works Department was investigating the incident at the school.

DEADLY HOLE: Hon (right) and MCA secretary-geneal Datuk Ong Ka Chuan visiting the scene of the tragedy.
He said the department would submit a detailed report to him on the cause of the mishap.

“I have asked the PWD to check why the floor collapsed, and on the construction technique used,” he added.

National Union of the Teaching Profession president Ismail Nihat said the loss of life could have been avoided.

“Something like this should not have happened. The school board is ultimately responsible for safety at the school,” he added.

National Union of Tamil Teachers advisor Shahul Hamid Mydin Shah said most national-type schools, being partially aided, did not have enough funds to maintain their buildings.

Birthday cake becomes offering for dead teacher

September 13th, 2005 by 站长

TEACHER Chan Boon Heng’s family had bought a fruit cake to celebrate his 43rd birthday yesterday.

But Chan died in the freak mishap early Sunday.

The birthday cake was instead turned into an offering for the late Chan at his house in Taman Derga Jaya, Alor Star, yesterday.

The offering was made by Chan’s wife Ooi Lee Keng, 40, and the couple’s two children, Huan Xun, eight, and Huan Wei, four.

Ooi said she had been married to Chan for 10 years, add-ing that her husband was passionate about his work.

“I hope that the Government will remember the contribution made by my husband,” said Ooi, a teacher at SJK (C) Soon Cheng, Bukit Pinang.

Chan will be cremated at Wat Boonyaram Buddhist Tem-ple, Padang Sera in Jitra on Thursday.

Deputy Education Minister Datuk Hon Choon Kim handed RM5,000 to Chan’s family. It was a personal donation from MCA president Datuk Seri Ong Ka Ting.

MCA secretary-general Da-tuk Ong Ka Chuan said the party would meet today to discuss the school’s plans for a new building.

Earlier Ka Chuan, Hon, Kedah Education Committee chairman Datuk Azimi Daim, state Education Department director Datuk Abdul Rahman Yop paid their last respects to Boon Heng.

Abdul Rahman handed RM1,500 to the family for funeral expenses.


September 13th, 2005 by 站长










September 13th, 2005 by 站长









September 13th, 2005 by 站长








Teacher’s funeral tomorrow

September 13th, 2005 by 站长

Teacher Chan Boon Heng, who was killed in a freak accident at his school on Sunday, will be cremated on Thursday.
His sister, Chang Chooi Choy, 50, said the family planned to bring her brother’s (left) body from his house in Taman Derga Jaya to the Siamese Temple in Padang Sera, about 30km from here, in a procession including pupils, teachers, relatives and friends.

“It is the least the family can do to honour him,” she said.

More than 100 people, including pupils from SRJK (C) Keat Hwa (K) where he taught, are expected to pay their last respects.

“He was dedicated to the profession and had contributed a lot to the school and community.”

Keat Hwa headmaster Lai Heng Hwa said the school would charter a bus for pupils wanting to attend the funeral.

“We had initially planned to cancel all lessons on Thursday but the State Education Department was against the idea. We will instead round up teachers and pupils who wish to pay their last respects,” he said.

Acting Menteri Besar Datuk Mahdzir Khalid, who visited the Chan family today, described him as an active social worker.

Chan succumbed to serious head injuries and a punctured lung after he fell through the school’s rotting wooden floorboard to the floor below.


September 13th, 2005 by 站长








Family unsure about legal action

September 13th, 2005 by 站长

The grieving family of the teacher who died after falling through the school’s rotting wooden floorboard is unsure if they will take legal action against the school for negligence.

The family is currently busy with the funeral arrangements of Chan Boon Heng, who fell five metres through the termite-infested floor of SRJK (C) Keat Hwa (K)’s office to the hall underneath. He died a few hours later.

Chan’s elder sister, Chang Chooi Choy, 50, said the family did not want to think about the matter until after his funeral on Thursday.

“We are still distraught over his tragic death. We want to complete the funeral rites before we deal with it,” she said today.

His widow, Ooi Lee Keng, 40, who also teaches at a private Chinese school in Bukit Pinang, was initially too distraught to talk to the media.

However, when approached after the visit of Deputy Education Minister Datuk Hon Choon Kim, Ooi expressed hope that the Government would assist Chinese schools to upgrade their premises.

Meanwhile, a steady stream of visitors flocked to Chan’s house to pay their last respects to the father of two who was popular among the Chinese community here for his active involvement in community activities. He was also frequently invited to emcee functions.

Among the visitors was Chan’s relative, MCA secretary-general Datuk Ong Ka Chuan.

Also mourning his loss were 30 of Chan’s pupils, who described their teacher as kind and caring.

Many said they found it hard to accept Chan’s oss as they loved his classes, especially the cake-baking sessions.

They said Chan, who loved baking, had taught them to bake to occupy their time as they had just completed their UPSR examination.

Some said they were also looking forward to getting their UPSR results as Chan had promised cash rewards to those who did well in the examination.

Kang Lee Jia, who was seen folding a paper crane, said their teacher brought his own baking utensils and ingredients, and taught them to bake cup cakes last Thursday.

“They were delicious. He promised to bake a chocolate cake yesterday but didn’t come to class.”


Approval needed for school renovations

ALL private schools must obtain the approval of the relevant local authority before carrying out any renovation work to their premises.

Deputy Education Minister Datuk Hon Choon Kim said these schools must submit building plans before starting work.

“They must make sure the work complies with the requirements and the building is safe,” he said after visiting SRJK (C) Keat Hwa (K) in Jalan Seberang Perak following the death of a teacher there.

Hon also ordered the Keat Hwa School Board to engage a consultant to assess the safety of the building. The private Chinese school board administers six schools.

The ministry has approved a RM50,000 emergency allocation for the repairs.

In Kuala Lumpur, Works Minister Datuk Seri S. Samy Vellu said he had instructed the Public Works Department to investigate the cause of the incident.